Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Ethnic Diversity

While working on the job or attending school, have you ever realized what people you talk to and how you associate yourself with them? Do you hangout and socialize with individuals who have the same ethnic and religion as you, or do you not even pay attention to any of that? 

In several instances people only associate themselves with others who are exactly like them. They don’t let outsiders or foreigners into their group. Some individuals only like and trust others who are the same as them. 

However, the opposite of that would be when people get involved with one another no matter what their race, culture, or ethnic is. When this phenomena happens the event is called ethnic diversity. 

Ethnic diversity is where individuals become friends with people without thinking about how they look, what they
believe in, or where they come from. 

Today, I think that this problem has reduced and is not much of an issue anymore. More and more people of different ethnic groups are getting along and not judging one another based on how they look or where they come from. What truly matters is how good you get along with another person and if you are able to connect with each other.

1 comment:

  1. Val, this is great!
    Ethnic diversity is something that is all around us and is becoming a huge part of our everyday lifes. You see a lot of diversity in the work place and it's only going to become more common. I agree with you, I think the problem with diversity has reduced and is not much of a problem anymore. People are getting along with others of different ethnicity and religion. We don't notice it, but we learn so much from others and can take that knowledge and apply it to our work ethic.
