Throughout this entire trimester in my Introduction to New Media class here at North Central College, I can say that I definitely learned a lot of valuable and information that I will take with me everywhere I go.
This class has been very beneficial for me because it helped me understand a lot of new types of material. For instance, before this class I never blogged about anything or set up my own website. When first hearing that we would have to do so many required blogs for this class I was thinking that it would take a lot of my time up and not be interesting. However, after getting the hang of it and writing a few blogs here and there I came to realize that they weren't so bad and that I actually kind of enjoyed the writing. I was able to write about whatever I wanted to and make it fun on a specific blogging website. Then, when it came to managing and putting together my own website while using a template I was a little skeptic because I've never done something like that before. It took me awhile to finally get my page how I wanted it to look, but in the end it was definitely worth it. I really enjoyed making everything flow nice and come together as a whole. I also was able to become more aware of certain issues and topics discussed in this class that I previously knew, but just not in great detail. For example, I heard about and knew some facts about online privacy and online addiction, but not in depth things learned in class.
I've learned so much new material during this course that I probably wouldn't have been able to learn anywhere else. Taking part in and being involved with this particular class has let me expand my knowledge more about media.
Ever since life began people have been trying to interact and communicate with each another. Communication is a very important thing and essential for everyday life. Without it we wouldn't have gotten anywhere near where we are today. Communication and interaction with one another are two important terms that help define who we are and how we get ahead in life.
Recently, technology has been taking us away from face-to-face communication and replacing it with ways in which we don't physically see or talk to someone.
A major example of this would be seeing the increase of people using different social media sites as their main way of communicating with others. Several individuals use Facebook or Twitter as their form of communication and to be able to reach out to others instead of talking in person. Also, many people use their television or mobile devices as a way to escape the confrontation of others because they believe it's faster and easier. People nowadays don't care about the satisfaction of an in person conversation because they rather same time by conversing or discussing over the Internet.
So many people use their computers to connect to the Internet and use that as their main form of communication with each other. Basically anything is offered online nowadays and seen as a better or improved way to reach out to others.
Communication is being altered and changed by technology so much that people are adapting to it and making it appear as if it's going to last forever. I don't see communication with technology going away anytime soon.
It's becoming that time of year again where everyone wants to be done with school or always itching to get out of work. Since the weather is becoming nicer outside people are wanting to be outdoors instead off cooped up inside. All the signs of summer are starting to have an effect on people. Since summer is about to begin, everyone is looking forward to their planned vacations or trying to book one at the last minute.
For individuals who haven't had the time or money to plan a trip ahead of time but are now ready to book, they should definitely think about going to Hawaii for their future summer destination.
There are numerous reasons to why people should spend their summer vacation in Hawaii over any other destination. Hawaii has so much more to offer and everyone will have a great time there no matter what!
Three summers ago I vacationed in Maui, Hawaii and had a blast! I also have plans to go back again this summer, which I am super excited for, but on different islands this time.
While vacationing in Hawaii you will get perfect weather conditions, which ranges from 80-88 degrees. This weather allows you to feel warm, yet not too hot where you wouldn't feel comfortable. Hawaii is also known for their beautiful landscapes which are absolutely breathtaking. There are incredible beaches to see as well as volcanoes, and many exotic animals to witness.
Also, while spending time in Hawaii you are able to forget about the home life and have time to yourself and relax. Hawaii is a place for you to relieve all your stress and to just enjoy yourself. Everyone is very welcoming in Hawaii, no matter where you go, and it's also a family friendly destination. Plus, shopping in Hawaii isn't just like any other vacation. There is so much more to see, try on, and buy. There are many distinctive and unique items in Hawaii that aren't offered anywhere else. No matter what type of person you are Hawaii is a great place for everyone to fit in to. There is fun happening around every corner.
For most people a trip to Hawaii would be a once in a life time vacation, but definitely worth it in the end. Going on this trip would be a fun adventure for anyone to experience and bring home countless memories.
While working on the job or attending school, have you ever realized
what people you talk to and how you associate yourself with them? Do you
hangout and socialize with individuals who have the same ethnic and religion as
you, or do you not even pay attention to any of that?
In several instances people only associate themselves with
others who are exactly like them. They don’t let outsiders or foreigners into their
group. Some individuals only like and trust others who are the same as them.
However, the opposite of that would be when people get involved
with one another no matter what their race, culture, or ethnic is. When this phenomena
happens the event is called ethnic diversity.
Ethnic diversity is where individuals become friends with people
without thinking about how they look, what they
believe in, or where they come
Today, I think that this problem has reduced and is not much
of an issue anymore. More and more people of different ethnic groups are
getting along and not judging one another based on how they look or where they
come from. What truly matters is how good you get along with another person and
if you are able to connect with each other.
When it comes to
engaging myself in an "activism" or "political action" I
would have to say that I haven't had the most memorable experiences. I
personally don't seem to get too much involved with those sort of things, which
I am perfectly fine with.
However, I have
numerous friends that take part in and participate in expressing their personal
views on certain political topics that they're passionate about. I think that
it's great for individuals to extract their inner thoughts and state what they
believe in while conversing over social media.
I think that when
people express their views and make a post about what they believe in, it
allows for commentary from others individuals around them or who see the post.
By getting explanations from other people, you are able to see several
different interpretations or insights that you originally never would have even
thought of.
Since so many people
nowadays post and express their thoughts on social media sites, it’s now so
much easier to get in debate over issues on the internet.
I think that by
having social media “politicize” and “mobilize” political topics over the internet
is a good thing because now more and more people, of all ages, can become aware
of this information even when they didn’t mean to.
A majority of our
population goes on the internet for several reasons, probably not to look up
political matters, but if everyone started voicing their opinions online then it
would be hard to miss.